Leon provincie toeristische informatie en video

Vakantie informatie, feiten, foto's en video van Leon provincie

Recensies over Leon provincie

Gemiddelde score - Gebaseerd op 1 recensies.


Patrick Koek

La Robla isn't really a city. It is in the early stages of becoming an active city. But it was nice to have a drink at one of the restaurants. One big plus for this city was the supermarket. Always great to have a possibility to have some international orientated food or drinks.

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Recensies over Leon provincie

Gemiddelde score - Gebaseerd op 1 recensies.

Geschreven door:
27 jul 2018
Deze opinie is in Spaans Deze opinie is in Spaans

La Robla opinie

La Robla isn't really a city. It is in the early stages of becoming an active city. But it was nice to have a drink at one of the restaurants. One big plus for this city was the supermarket. Always great to have a possibility to have some international orientated food or drinks.
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